Case Studies

From One to Five: Hiring remote workers in Greece

Discover how Awana, a LATAM-based recruiting agency, went from a single placement to hiring remote workers in Greece, and build a team of 5 for MC1 Global.


MC1 is a Brazilian company with presence in several countries all around the world, they simplify and add real-time intelligence to sales processes, taking the right information, at the right time, to the right person, leveraging revenue and profitability! They are 4x times recognized as an Industry Leader by Gartner, they are among the Top 5 in the world, and Top 2 LATAM in Retail Execution and Monitoring, according to Gartner and POI.

For this reason they must have TOP talent in order to remain the number 1 worldwide, and that’s where we, Awana, were trusted to help MC1 Global in hiring remote workers and establish its brand new team in Greece.

Let’s dive into how our strategic recruitment process not only met but exceeded MC1's expectations.

The Challenge

MC1 Global faced the task of expanding its operations to a market unfamiliar to them. The pressure was immense; they needed a team that not only understood the local dynamics but also aligned seamlessly with MC1's global standards. Awana stepped up to the challenge.

The Awana Approach

In-Depth Market Insight and Expertise in Building Client-Candidate Connections

Our dedicated team in Ecuador first started diving into the Greek market, understanding its intricacies and tailoring both our recruitment services and the recruitment strategy to match local expectations.

Our commitment to understanding MC1's unique needs resulted in a personalized approach, building trust with both our client and the candidates we presented.

feedback from MC1

"I believe my answer will cover both questions: Yes, we work with other recruitment agencies. However, the experience we've had with Awana differentiates in these aspects:
1. Total understanding of our needs, reflected on the filters for each profile sent, 2. Willingness to collaborate,
3. full-time support throughout the entire hiring process" 

MC1 Global


Qualitative Insights

  • Our personalized approach not only impressed MC1 but also fostered positive relationships with candidates, contributing to a seamless recruitment process.
  • Awana's adaptability to client needs and the Greek market dynamics showcased our commitment to success.

Before and After

Initial Deal: One Placement

Before: MC1 initially sought to fill just one position in Greece.

After: Our success led to the placement of five positions, hiring remote workers in a new country and showcasing our ability to exceed expectations.

Client Satisfaction

Before: MC1 had no prior experience in the Greek market.

After: The client praised Awana's understanding of their needs, reflected in positive candidate feedback.


Before: MC1 anticipated a lengthy process for each position.

After: Awana's streamlined process reduced time-to-fill by 30%, ensuring swift and efficient placements.

Candidate Quality

Before: Uncertainty about finding candidates who align with global standards.

After: Awana delivered top-notch talent, aligning seamlessly with MC1's global standards.

Roles closed

  • Mid-level Project Manager
  • Mid-level Business Analyst
  • Mid-level Customer Support Coordinator
  • Mid-level Customer Support
  • Mid-level Functional QA

Lessons Learned

Localization is Key: Understanding the nuances of the local market is crucial for successful global expansions.

Build Trust Through Results: Success breeds trust; exceeding expectations in our initial placement secured additional opportunities.

MC1 Global recognized Awana's unique ability to bridge the gap between LATAM and Europe. The success of our collaboration and recruitment services not only empowered our growth as a company but also underscored the strength of talent within Awana.

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