Guide to Hire in LATAM

The ideal countries to hire a developer in Latin America

If you want to hire a developer in Latin America, we recommend these countries as your go-to destination to find software talent.

Awana has been working with developers from the region for years to connect their talent with U.S. companies looking to hire developers. Our goal is to help startups save time. Connect with Awana.


In this Blog

Overview of LATAM Developers






Where to hire developers from LATAM

Words from Awana's CEO

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Overview of LATAM Developers

Since we started working with LATAM developers, we knew there was potential for the region to grow its talent hub. Each country has unique features and differences, but they all have one thing in common: the number of talented developers keeps growing each year.

Almost 44% of LATAM developers work remotely for nearshore companies. The region is currently at the top of the growth rate in terms of the number of locals hired by international companies.

This growth rate is excellent news for developers because more can access higher salaries they wouldn't get offered working locally. LATAM developers getting hired by nearshore companies inspires other developers to improve their coding and soft skills, making LATAM's talent hub stronger, one job at a time.

Here's what we can tell you about some countries and candidates we usually work with when helping companies connect with their software talent.

If you're looking to hire developers with AI skills in Latin America, here's a quick report for you that will help you make more informed decisions.


Candidates from Ecuador feel close to home for us since some of Awana's team members are located in cities like Quito, Guayaquil, and Cuenca. At the beginning of the millennium, the country adopted the USD as its currency, directly linking it to the U.S.

With the cost of living being much lower, their rates are much more affordable for U.S. companies looking to hire a coder. In our experience, an Ecuadorian mid-level developer usually sees a monthly local compensation of around 800–1,200 USD.


The country has been known to have a solid tech culture for a while now, which only shows it will continue to grow in the years to come.

In our experience,  a Colombian mid-level developer usually sees a monthly local compensation of $3,000—3,500 or $19,300 per hour (COP)


Being closest to the U.S. has advantages; that's why Mexico is the first country that comes to mind when companies are looking to build their nearshore teams. Mexico's tech industry is massive, which gives its developers a particular awareness of what to expect from companies.

In our experience, the programmer compensation for a Mid-Level developer varies from 2,000 to 3,000 USD.


The biggest country in LATAM has a considerable advantage over other countries due to its massive population. Their tech industry is also huge, and developers grow steadily yearly.

In our experience, the Brazilian programmer compensation for a mid-level developer varies from 2,000 to 4,000 USD per month when hired full-time.


Even nicknamed Chilicon Valley, Chile has some of the best developers in the region. They are known for bringing an innovative approach to coding, which has really made their talent hub rise in fame.

Companies in the U.S. are well aware of their skills, which is why many hire candidates from the country.  They have competitive technology skills, scoring high in statistical & computer programming, data analysis, and mobile development.

Where to hire developers from LATAM

Awana's database of developers holds profiles from Ecuador, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, and many other countries in the region. From day one, our goal was to help connect your company to access talent from the region easily.

To hire developers in the region, it is essential to abide by each country's labor and taxation laws. As pointed out in our Startups' Guide to Hire in LATAM, every country is different, and the candidate's perks vary depending on where the developer lives.

Full-time contractors in LATAM

  • Candidates may be submitted to a trial period when hired (Colombia)
  • Without perks, the candidate may expect a higher compensation (Ecuador)
  • Contractors may add extra pay for specific tasks (Brazil)
  • Most perks apply when hired (Mexico)
  • Unjust firing warrants paid termination within 15 days (Colombia)
Learn more about each country here: Startups' Guide to Hire in LATAM

Words from Awana's CEO

“What sets us apart in Awana? Don't we just hire LATAM developers for startups? Isn't this a very common practice? You would be right about that.

However, Awana isn't special because we hire in LATAM or work with mid-senior software developers. Sure, that's mainly what we do, but that doesn't tell you the whole story.Calvin Smith CEO Awana

Making remote work a credible vehicle to innovate the experience of LATAM's talented developers and startups working together is. The connection and commitment between these two elements have so much potential to impact both of them positively.

This is what passions us, helping you create a valuable connection by offering much more than just an introduction.”

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LATAM's developers are becoming the best choice for startups looking to find candidates when they want to hire tech talent.

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